In these rapidly changing times NFP fosters the concept of transition, transformation and evolution.  Gail Travis has designed a collection of smart geometric shapes and styles that are of the moment, but not bound by time.  Each piece has the ability to link, layer, fold, snap, shift or connect, creating a platform for personal expression.  Ultimately encouraging each individual’s NEW FORM & PERSPECTIVE.

The knitted sweaters (NIT), uniquely draped and molded dresses and tops (FORM) and foundation jersey pieces of tanks, bodysuits, and leggings (PHRAME) collectively present a unique line of architectural building blocks.  NEW FORM PERSPECTIVE marries diaphanous featherweight jerseys in subtle, muted colors creating stunning, sophisticated, modern foils for layering with the PHRAME and NIT designs.

NFP’s ability to turn upside-down, backwards, and creatively mold, secures the sustainability of each garment. It supports a more socially conscious and resourceful lifestyle through appreciation of highly designed, multi-functional product.  Rooted in timeless architectural shapes, New Form Perspective’s goal is to encourage minimizing the disposable mindset of recent fashion, and increase awareness of fashion’s strength to be an enhancement to our basic environment and personal self.  Ultimately sharing the beauty of fashion through its ability to be inventive and creative while maintaining a wearable artform.  NFP positively motivates each individual towards a more personalized interaction between designer and consumer.

Designer Gail Travis resides between her studio in Los Angeles, CA and Beacon, NY.  After ten years of working in the high-end fashion design world in NYC for companies such as Calvin Klein, Shelly Steffee, and Vera Wang, she has fatefully been guided to design her own brand free from mainstream trends.  Her collection is inspired by her surroundings, personal interactions, experience of movement, and architecture and sculpture.  Ultimately these inspirations morph into the modular, building-block nature of her designs.